How First Time Central Heating grants work

Heating your home can be an expensive task and as we are spending more time at home, the cost is going up and up. If your property has never had central heating, now is a good time to look into central heating grants as there are grants available for First Time Central Heating under the Government’s Energy Company Obligation Scheme.  The grant could cover towards or even the full cost of installing central heating and you might also be eligible for insulation. Such as loft insulation, roof insulation, underfloor insulation, solid wall insulation or cavity wall insulation.

The Eco Providers UK team has put together some of the most commonly asked questions and answers, to help make this process as smooth as possible.

What properties are considered eligible for First Time Central Heating grants?

The major eligibility rule for First Time Central Heating grants is that the property has not had central heating previously. Whether you live in a detached or terraced house, a flat, a maisonette or a bungalow, you could be eligible as a range of property types are eligible for funding. However, the property needs to be classed as a residential property and it needs to have its own Land Registry entry.

Before your new central heating can be installed by a Registered Installer there needs to be a mains gas connection at the property and also a gas meter. If there is gas in your area but your property doesn’t yet have a gas connection we can help you apply for a funded gas line from our funding partners. We’ll guide you through the process and update you every step of the way. If your property doesn’t have a gas meter these can be requested from your chosen energy supplier. The gas meter should also be free if it is a new connection. If you don’t have mains gas in your area, say if your property is considered as ‘off gas’ or off the gas grid there are grants for calor gas tank central heating where the gas is supplied from the tank rather than through the mains.

Who is eligible for a grant?

There are two main routes to eligibility, either by a member of the household receiving a qualifying benefit or through the Local Authority Flexible Eligibility (LA Flex) Scheme.

1. Eligibility through receipt of qualifying benefits

If you receive one of the qualifying benefits you will be eligible for the Energy Company Obligation regardless of household income, so no means-testing is required for applications.

  • Qualifying benefits include:
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Employment and support allowance (income-related)
  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s allowance (Income-based)
  • Industrial injuries disablement benefit
  • Mobility supplement
  • Pension Credit (guarantee)
  • Personal independence payment
  • Severe disablement allowance
  • Universal credit
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement
  • Working tax credit

Please note that Child Benefit is also a qualifying benefit but unlike other benefits, if you only receive Child Benefit, you could also be eligible. However, if it is the only benefit you receive, you will also need to meet an income rules detailed on the Ofgem site.

2. Eligibility through the Local Authority Flexible Eligibility (LA Flex) Scheme

The LA Flex Scheme is designed to help those householders who are not in receipt of benefits but who are living on a low income and are vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home.

At The ECO Providers UK we work with a number of local authorities to deliver ECO Flex measures, get in touch to see if we can help you.

There are other requirements including whether you own your home and the type of existing heating at the property and whether measures are suitable for your property (see below).

How do I find out if my property qualifies for a grant?

The easiest way to find out is to fill in your details in our contact form and we will report back to you with potential measures the look to be possible and we’ll arrange a no obligation free survey where we can answer any questions you have.

If you aren’t sure what measures your property might be eligible for you can look up your Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) on the EPC Register at Not all properties will have an entry on the register but if your property is listed you can view key energy-efficiency information about your property and energy-efficiency recommendations are listed on the certificate so  you can see what measures might be possible at your property.

Tips for applying

  1. Fill out our form to get your application in – the rules for eligibility can change at any time
  2. Provide any additional information to support the application when requested. For example, you might be asked for landlord information or to confirm your full name for the application to be processed
  3. Let us know the best time and number to contact you on as we’ll call you to progress the application.  The sooner we can speak to you the quicker we can submit your application and you can be awarded a grant.
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8:00am - 5:00pm