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Energy Efficiency

10 Reasons To Upgrade Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

10 July 2024

In today’s world, where sustainability and cost savings are paramount, upgrading your home’s energy efficiency is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. With a growing emphasis on reducing our carbon footprint and the allure of lowering utility bills, making your home more energy-efficient is more important than ever. Not only does it offer the potential to significantly cut costs, but it also contributes to a healthier planet by lessening your environmental impact. Whether you’re interested in…

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Debunking The Myths Surrounding Heat Pumps

4 July 2024

Air source heat pumps are an excellent source of heat for homes looking for an energy efficient way of heating a property. Available for installation on a range of property types and providing benefits such as being environmentally friendly, low-maintenance, and capable of saving a household up to £240 on annual heating costs. It seems obvious that homeowners would consider switching to an air source heat pump, but unfortunately there is a lot of…

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How Much Could Your Household Save With Energy Efficiency Upgrades

27 June 2024

With home energy upgrades there are hundreds of pounds worth of savings to be made. From simple upgrades such as an air source heat pump installation to an entire upgrade of a property’s insulation. Each upgrade comes with its own benefits and of course monthly and annual cost savings. In this blog we detail just how much on average households can save and the many other benefits of accessing your home energy upgrades via the…

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The Help Available if You’re Struggling to Pay Your Energy Bills

25 June 2024

During times of high living costs and sudden energy bill changes, like in the global energy crisis of 2021-2023. While worries about energy costs and a volatile market seem to have subsided in 2024, it still remains in the back of our minds that the market can quickly change. And with the additional rising cost of living and a general election on the horizon, it is important to be aware of what help is available…

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The Future of Sustainable Homes: The Impact of the ECO4 Grant

21 June 2024

The UK government has set aside budgets and created criteria in order to achieve a more sustainable future for the next generation. As part of this they have devised plans to achieve a sustainable housing stock. One which meets high energy efficiency standards and emits as little carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as possible. The government has big plans to make sustainable homes the future of living in the UK. Introducing funding schemes including ECO4…

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The Costs To Insulate The Average UK Home & What Support Is There For Households

17 June 2024

Insulating your home is a very good way of helping to ensure that it is as energy efficient as possible. It can help to reduce your utility bills in the winter by making your home feel warmer and allowing you to turn down your heating by a few degrees. This may not seem like much but the cost savings of doing this can be significant, and with the cost of living continually rising, these…

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The Importance Of Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Even In The Summer

7 June 2024

As the increase in temperature heralds the arrival of summer, the much awaited warmth from the sun can bring joy (and plenty of challenges) when it comes to the energy efficiency of your property.  Whilst spending time outdoors is certainly something that plenty of people will do, there are times when it may be necessary to seek relief and comfort indoors, and when this happens it is important to remain mindful of energy consumption. Whilst…

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How to get an updated EPC rating – Advice for landlords

4 June 2024

The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) rules were introduced in 2018. These rules state that the minimum EPC rating for any domestic rental property needs to be band E.  The rules, which were first introduced in 2015 in England and Wales, pertain to rental homes. From 2018, they made it illegal for any private landlords to rent out properties which have an EPC rating which is below E. Any properties which do have…

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How Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Can Impact The Property Value

23 May 2024

While looking at ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home is good for the environment, what can you, as the homeowner or landlord, benefit from?  Aside from cutting down on energy usage, thus cutting your energy bills, making the changes and improvements to a home to improve the energy efficiency and therefore the EPC rating can have a positive impact on the value of your home. In this blog, we explain why and…

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The Benefits Of EPC Grants For Landlords

9 May 2024

Rental properties, whether you have tenants currently in place or not, are your responsibility. As the landlord you should be aware of housing regulations and standards, making sure that your property is kept to a high standard and in line with government regulations.  Fortunately, there is an option available to help landlords improve the energy efficiency of their properties and potentially save on costs – Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) grants.  Energy efficiency grant schemes such…

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The Best Ways To Improve The Energy Efficiency Of An Old Home

17 April 2024

When it comes to energy efficiency, older properties are notoriously poor performing. Despite their style and elegance these properties have often not been fitted with features or undergone the relevant upgrades to improve energy efficiency either recently or ever. And while it’s important to preserve their historical value and style, upgrading these homes and improving their energy efficiency rating should be a top priority. Old, Cold & Draughty – Is This The Norm Across The…

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Boiler Upgrades And The Benefits This Provides Your Home

10 April 2024

Based on the 2021 census, according to the Office for National Statistics an astonishing 700,000 people live in a home without central heating in England. While a further 15,496 are living without in Wales. This shocking statistic shows just how far behind the UK are in comparison to the rest of Europe when it comes to the energy efficiency and modern development of homes. While central heating is widely found in new properties, there…

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Home Insulation Benefits From Winter To Summer 

19 March 2024

Home insulation, whether it’s in the walls, the roof or the loft, is an effective and simple method to manage the energy efficiency of your home. From keeping heat in during cold winter months to managing temperatures in summer.There are benefits to be had from the installation of home insulation throughout the year. Preventing heat loss in winter One of the most important benefits of home insulation for houses, particularly homes in the cold British…

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Insulation Measures Funded By The ECO Scheme And Their Impact On Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

6 March 2024

With the ‘whole-house’ approach that the ECO Scheme takes, every area of the home is considered and reviewed. From the general heating elements of the home to the insulation of the property. Taking a closer look at each of these measures, here’s how they can have a positive impact on your home’s energy efficiency. Internal Wall Insulation What is internal wall insulation? – Internal wall insulation is a method of property insulation that has…

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